

Taoiseach defends plan for IBRC SiteServ inquiry

The Taoiseach's defended the decision to ask IBRC's liquidators to lead a review into the sale of Si...

1:20 PM - 24 Apr 2015

Taoiseach defends plan for IBR...


Taoiseach defends plan for IBRC SiteServ inquiry


1:20 PM - 24 Apr 2015

The Taoiseach's defended the decision to ask IBRC's liquidators to lead a review into the sale of SiteServ.

Enda Kenny says the liquidators can produce a review quicker than anyone else, because they're already have most of the details to hand.

Opposition TDs are still rejecting the plan, arguing that the liquidators are not operating at an arm's-length basis - and also raising concerns that the liquidators' firm, KPMG, was involved in the sale.

Meanwhile Denis O'Brien and the man who oversaw the sale have both defended their roles, and are offering to appear before the Public Accounts Committee to address any concerns people may have.

However the committee's chairman John McGuinness says the PAC - like the Comptroller & Auditor General - doesn't have remit over SiteServ.

He added, however, that the committee could look into the concerns raised in the latest release of Freedom of Information documents, where Michael Noonan and other officials were uneasy about accepting IBRC's accounts of various events.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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