

Taoiseach dismisses criticism from his own Budget watchdog

The Taoiseach has dismissed claims by the government's own budget watchdog, which says last month's...

1:12 PM - 25 Nov 2014

Taoiseach dismisses criticism...


Taoiseach dismisses criticism from his own Budget watchdog


1:12 PM - 25 Nov 2014

The Taoiseach has dismissed claims by the government's own budget watchdog, which says last month's budget was a "missed opportunity" to fix the public finances.

The Fiscal Advisory Council says the national debt will now be €10 billion higher in 2018, because the government dropped its most recent plans for austerity.

But Enda Kenny says it's the government - and the government alone - that has to make the hard choices.

And another cabinet minister has hinted that the government had one eye on the opinion polls - saying the coalition was running "not only an economy," but also "a society".

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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