

Taoiseach expects tough summit talks with UK

The Taoiseach says he is expecting this evening's summit talks on the UK's position in Europe to be...

3:38 PM - 17 Dec 2015

Taoiseach expects tough summit...


Taoiseach expects tough summit talks with UK


3:38 PM - 17 Dec 2015

The Taoiseach says he is expecting this evening's summit talks on the UK's position in Europe to be "contentious".

The agenda is aimed at hearing the UK's demands for a renegotiation of its relationship with the EU.

The most difficult of the issues is the British government's request to be allowed prohibit social welfare payments to citizens from some EU countries.

Speaking on his way in to the meeting in Brussels, Enda Kenny admitted the talks will be tough:

British Prime Minister David Cameron's demands on migrant benefits are "unacceptable" according to the European Council's President.

Donald Tusk has issued the warning ahead of the summit of European leaders in Brussels.

The key sticking point has been a four-year ban on in-work benefits for EU migrants - but Mr Cameron insists a deal is possible.



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