

Taoiseach has 'every confidence' in Irish Water CEO

The Taoiseach says he has "every confidence" in the Chief Executive of Irish Water, but accepts ther...

5:21 PM - 21 Oct 2014

Taoiseach has 'every confi...


Taoiseach has 'every confidence' in Irish Water CEO


5:21 PM - 21 Oct 2014

The Taoiseach says he has "every confidence" in the Chief Executive of Irish Water, but accepts there are issues of public concern that need addressing.

It follows today's Cabinet meeting which it's understood was dominated by Irish Water.

The coalition is to undertake a review of communications at the new utility.

Mr Kenny told the Dáil that no-one had approached the Chairman of the Board about the possible removal of John Tierney as Chief Executive:

Meanwhile a Fine Gael back-bencher has called on the board of Irish Water to resign.

Alan Farrell says the government's policy for water charges has been adequate - but it's been damaged by the utility's directors.

He says the company has failed to deliver a clear message surrounding charges, the installation of meters, or bonuses for its staff.

And he says if the board is being reformed in a few weeks' time, it should quit now to let a new board take over:


8 water protesters have refused to give undertakings to abide by a court order not to obstruct the installation of meters in North Dublin.

A huge crowd of around 80 supporters packed in to the High Court for the case which is brought by meter installers GMC Sierra Ltd.

Our Courts Correspondent Francesca Comyn reports:

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