

Taoiseach "wolf-whistling at Lowry"

A Fianna Fail TD says Enda Kenny is flirting with Michael Lowry as his party gets a hammering on the...

3:39 PM - 25 Jan 2016

Taoiseach "wolf-whistling...


Taoiseach "wolf-whistling at Lowry"


3:39 PM - 25 Jan 2016

A Fianna Fail TD says Enda Kenny is flirting with Michael Lowry as his party gets a hammering on the doorsteps.

Galway East TD Colm Keaveney published proposals on mental health this afternoon, which include the establishment of a mental Health Authority.

And while he didn't want to be drawn into the events of the weekend, Deputy Keaveney says the Taoiseach is clearly making overtures to Independents;

Returning to Fianna Fail's document; "Improving Mental Health", Colm Keaveney says funding will need to be increased from 791 million to 991 million.

A Mental Health Tsar will also be appointed.

Deputy Keaveney says the coalition has failed to implement its own plans on Mental Health;

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