

Taxi Driver Threatened During Car Jacking in Dublin

Gardai in Dublin are investigating a car jacking in the city centre in the early hours of this morni...

2:48 PM - 5 Jan 2016

Taxi Driver Threatened During...


Taxi Driver Threatened During Car Jacking in Dublin


2:48 PM - 5 Jan 2016

Gardai in Dublin are investigating a car jacking in the city centre in the early hours of this morning during which a man was threatened.

At around 3am a 43 year old man driving a taxi picked up anothe rman on the Crumlin Rd and was told to drive to Dolphins Barn.

A short time later the passenger told the taxi driver to pull over, he said had a gun and an object was placed to the head of the taxi driver.

The passenger then drove off in the car.

A 24 year old man has been arrested and he's being questioned at Sundrive Rd Garda Station.

The taxi was later found abandoned in Ballyfermot.

No firearm has yet been recovered.


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