

TD: 'Gardai told informant to burgle my home'

The Dáil has heard new allegations of systematic Garda malpractice - this time in County Leitrim. Th...

2:57 PM - 26 May 2016

TD: 'Gardai told informant...


TD: 'Gardai told informant to burgle my home'


2:57 PM - 26 May 2016

The Dáil has heard new allegations of systematic Garda malpractice - this time in County Leitrim.

The calls were made by local Sinn Féin TD Martin Kenny, who is asking for a Commission of Investigation to be set up.

Under Dáil privilege, the TD said Gardaí had failed to investigate crimes because they were committed by informants, operating outside the official informant network.

Other informants were used to entrap people into committing crimes - including cases where a person was convicted of bribing an NCT officer, and another where a person was wrongfully accused and committed of stealing a tractor.

He also claims that the disappearance of a man five years ago was not investigated, because a Garda informant was among the last people to see him.

Deputy Kenny also claims his own home was targeted for burglary by a Garda informant, who had been asked to do so by a serving Garda.

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