

Teachers Should Be Paid The Same For Equal Work - Mitchell O'Connor

The Minister for Higher Education says she believes in equal pay for equal work - including for teac...

1:20 PM - 23 Aug 2017

Teachers Should Be Paid The Sa...


Teachers Should Be Paid The Same For Equal Work - Mitchell O'Connor


1:20 PM - 23 Aug 2017

The Minister for Higher Education says she believes in equal pay for equal work - including for teachers

Mary Mitchell O'Connor is missing out on 16-thousand euro for her super junior ministry because current legislation only allows for it to be paid to two people.

She previously said that she believed she should be paid the same as her colleagues but that she wasn't going to go searching for it.

Opposition parties have indicated that they would block any attempt to give Minister Mitchell O'Connor the allowance.

At the launch of a new education scheme for disadvantaged students today she said not being paid the allowance wouldn't stop her doing her job. 

Teachers who qualified after 2011 are not paid the same as their colleagues.

When the Minister when asked if her belief in equal pay for equal work applied to teachers she said she stood by her comments.

Nicole Gernon reports:

Teachers Should Be Paid The Same For Equal Work - Mitchell O'Connor

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