

The Garda Strike Is Off

The Garda strike has been called off with all 12,500 members expected to attend for duty today The G...

6:26 AM - 4 Nov 2016

The Garda Strike Is Off


The Garda Strike Is Off


6:26 AM - 4 Nov 2016

The Garda strike has been called off with all 12,500 members expected to attend for duty today

The GRA and the AGSI have both called off their threatened industrial action following intensive negotiations with the Labour Court.

They will now ballot their members on the recommendations, which are believed to include the introduction of parade duty payments, clarifications over annual leave - and a recommendation that the rent allowance removed from new entrants be restored, increased, and integrated into pay scales for all Gardai.

AGSI General Secretary, John Jacob, says they will waste no time putting the recommendations to their members:

The Garda Commissioner is urging the public to work with the force today.

Speaking last night Noirin O'Sullivan had this appeal:


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