

The latest opinion poll is good news for the Government

The latest opinion poll is good news for the Government. The Behaviour & Attitudes poll which will b...

6:16 PM - 14 Mar 2015

The latest opinion poll is goo...


The latest opinion poll is good news for the Government


6:16 PM - 14 Mar 2015

The latest opinion poll is good news for the Government.

The Behaviour & Attitudes poll which will be published in tomorrow's Sunday Times shows that Fine Gael and Labour are becoming increasingly popular with the public.

959 adults in all 43 constituencies were surveyed between Monday the 2nd of March and last Wednesday.

It shows support for the Government has risen six points to 35%, the highest it's been since December 2013.

Fine Gael has gained three points, bringing it to 27 per-cent, its highest rating in the last seven polls.

Labour is back up to 9 per-cent, Fianna Fail, is unchanged at 18 per-cent but Sinn Fein is down 3 points to 19 per-cent.

The Green Party has 3 per-cent of the country's support, while Independents have 24 per-cent.

Micheal Martin is still the country's most popular party leader while Enda Kenny's popularity as Taoiseach has continued to grow since last December.

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