

The Policing Authority has 'deep unease' at Garda 'management culture'

The Policing Authority has expressed 'deep unease at the organisation and management culture' in the...

10:27 PM - 26 May 2016

The Policing Authority has ...


The Policing Authority has 'deep unease' at Garda 'management culture'


10:27 PM - 26 May 2016

The Policing Authority has expressed 'deep unease at the organisation and management culture' in the Garda Siochana.

The group issued a statement tonight, following a meeting with Garda Commissioner Nóirín OÂ’Sullivan to discuss the report of the O'Higgins inquiry.

The authority expressed concerns at the impact on victims and the performance and management failures.

They say that 'good work being done by gardaí every day can be set to nought - while doubts remain about these issues'.

It says there is a need for an urgent response by the Gardai to the findings and recommendations.

The Authority will hold two further meetings with the Commission in the coming weeks to discuss the failures identified in the report and the Garda management's response.

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