

"The world should see her wounds"

Reeva Steenkamp's father wants the world to see photographs of her wounds so people can understand t...

11:37 AM - 14 Jun 2016

"The world should see her...


"The world should see her wounds"


11:37 AM - 14 Jun 2016

Reeva Steenkamp's father wants the world to see photographs of her wounds so people can understand the pain she must have gone through, a court has heard.

During an emotional address at the Oscar Pistorius' sentence hearing for murdering his daughter, Barry Steenkamp broke down in tears.

He said he and his wife June had forgiven the former athlete, but that he must pay for his crime.

Juliette Gash reports;

Shaking with emotion, Mr Steenkamp, 73, described the devastating effect the murder has had on him.

He revealed he had suffered a stroke and punctured his arm with a needle to try to replicate the pain Ms Steenkamp felt.

"Every day of my life, morning, noon, night; I think about her all the time," he said. People say it takes two to three years before you start feeling a little bit better about the whole thing. I don't wish that on any human being. Finding out what happened devastated us. I ended up having a stroke."

Telling the court his wife June was a Christian, Mr Steenkamp said she felt it "right in her heart" to forgive Pistorius so she could continue with her life.

"June has forgiven, she feels it right in her heart to forgive Oscar," he said. "But you must understand that forgiving like that does not exonerate you from the crime you committed.(Pistorius) must understand he must still pay for that."

Witnessing Mr Steenkamp's testimony in Pretoria, Sky's Alex Crawford said: "Every word he spoke was filled with emotion and pain.

"We heard yesterday that Pistorius was a broken man, but Barry Steenkamp also portrayed the figure of a father who himself is absolutely overwhelmed with grief."

Pistorius was convicted of murdering Ms Steenkamp in December after his conviction for manslaughter was overturned on appeal.

Mr Steenkamp avoided most of the lengthy trial because of ill health suffered since losing his daughter in the shooting more than three years ago.

He appealed to the judge to let people see the injuries on Reeva's body after she was shot:

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