

Trump Pulls Out Of Paris Agreement

President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement has been met with global conde...

6:22 AM - 2 Jun 2017

Trump Pulls Out Of Paris Agree...


Trump Pulls Out Of Paris Agreement


6:22 AM - 2 Jun 2017

President Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate agreement has been met with global condemnation.

He says it's to 'protect Americans', but Ireland's Environment Minster Denis Naughten says he's disappointed and concerned, while the French president Emmanuel Macron accused the US of turning its back on the world.

Donald Trump says the deal signed by Barack Obama would make American workers worse off, and the US economy less competitive.

Kim Buckley has this report:

Trump is facing major backlash:


Today, the future livability of our planet was threatened by President Trump's careless decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Agreement. Our future on this planet is now more at risk than ever before. For Americans and those in the world community looking for strong leadership on climate issues, this action is deeply discouraging. Now, more than ever, we must be determined to solve climate change, and to challenge those leaders who do not believe in scientific facts or empirical truths. It is time for all of us to stand up, organize, fight back, and channel our energy into grassroots political action. You can start by supporting these organizations on the front lines of this fight: 1. @NRDC_Org: 2. @indivisibleteam: 3. Resistance Manual: 4. Stand Up America: 5. Take action on Photo c/o Creative Commons: David Everett Strickler

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