

Trump's Son In Law Could Face Questioning in Russia Probe

The US President's son-in-law faces being questioned about his links to a former White House adviser...

12:03 AM - 2 Dec 2017

Trump's Son In Law Could F...


Trump's Son In Law Could Face Questioning in Russia Probe


12:03 AM - 2 Dec 2017

The US President's son-in-law faces being questioned about his links to a former White House adviser who's pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.

Michael Flynn's admitted talking to Russian officials before Donald Trump's inauguration.

He's also promised to co-operate with the investigation looking at possible collusion between Moscow and the US election campaign.

Now US media claim Flynn also made contact with the Russian Ambassador at the request of the President's son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Mark Warner is the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence panel:

Trump's Son In Law Could Face Questioning in Russia Probe

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