

UK Supermarkets begin rationing fresh veg

A shortage of some vegetables is hitting supermarkets across the UK. It's so bad some stores have in...

8:17 AM - 3 Feb 2017

UK Supermarkets begin rationin...


UK Supermarkets begin rationing fresh veg


8:17 AM - 3 Feb 2017

A shortage of some vegetables is hitting supermarkets across the UK.

It's so bad some stores have introduced rationing.

Bad weather's hit farms in places like southern Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey - all key growing areas for some of the most popular vegetable imports.

It's affecting things like lettuces, courgettes, broccoli and cabbage.

Prices have risen sharply, and some supermarkets are limiting sales to prevent other suppliers and restaurants depleting their stocks.

One exporter's warning vegetable shortages will continue until at least early April.

It comes as farmers here force Supervalu into canceling a promotion offering free veg.

Susan Keogh has been speaking to President of the Irish Farmers Association Joe Healy.


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