

Varadkar Forced To State Confidence in Garda Chief

The Taoiseach's been forced to restate his confidence in the Garda Commissioner - after the Dáil hea...

1:19 PM - 21 Jun 2017

Varadkar Forced To State Confi...


Varadkar Forced To State Confidence in Garda Chief


1:19 PM - 21 Jun 2017

The Taoiseach's been forced to restate his confidence in the Garda Commissioner - after the Dáil heard new claims that she had misled the State auditor over Garda finances.

Leo Varadkar's defence come after it emerged Noirin O'Sullivan reported a clean bill of health over the Garda budget in 2015, days after being aware of the issues in Templemore.

Although there is dispute over the exact date on which O'Sullivan became aware of the significant issues - which are at the centre of long-running investigations by the Public Accounts Committee - it is accepted that O'Sullivan was aware of the matters by the last week of July.

At the end of that month, she informed the Comptroller & Auditor General that there were no issues to be reported in the compilation of that year's accounts.

The declaration came to light at the Public Accounts Committee yesterday when O'Sullivan was herself giving evidence.

Sinn Fein says the failure to report the issues to the C&AG at the time means she is no longer fit for office.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar admitted he was disappointed at the slow pace of Garda reform, but defended O'Sullivan's actions - and insisted he still has confidence in her.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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