

Politicians do Ice Bucket Challenge

The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association is calling on the Taoiseach to take part in the ice buck...

2:44 PM - 29 Aug 2014

Politicians do Ice Bucket Chal...


Politicians do Ice Bucket Challenge


2:44 PM - 29 Aug 2014

The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association is calling on the Taoiseach to take part in the ice bucket challenge.

The Chief Executive of the IMNDA is nominating Enda Kenny to have ice water poured over him.

More than €1.1 million has so far been raised through the social media fundraising craze.

Aisling Farrell is hoping the Taoiseach will also fulfill his nomination:The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association was joined by some familiar politicians to do the Ice Bucket Challenge in Dublin today including Irish politicians Mary Hanafin, Roisin Shortall, Caoimhghin O'Caolain, Mary Mitchell O'Connor, Mairead McGuinness, Joe Costello, Richard Boyd Barrett, Gabrielle McFadden and Ivana Bacik:

Former Minister and current Fianna Fail Councillor, Mary Hanafin, says volunteers were queuing up to throw the water:

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