

This Woman Can Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night

Every parent will be familiar with the sleepless nights associated with having a young baby in the h...

6:11 PM - 28 Mar 2017

This Woman Can Help Your Child...


This Woman Can Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night


6:11 PM - 28 Mar 2017

Every parent will be familiar with the sleepless nights associated with having a young baby in the house. But did you know that it might be possible to help your child sleep through the night from an early age?

Lucy Wolfe is a paediatric sleep consultant and author of 'The Baby Sleep Solution'. Between 40 and 70 per cent of parents struggle with their children's sleep patterns at some point, and Lucy says her role is to help them "initiate the natural ability that's there" by using a variety of exercises, before and after the six-month age mark.

According to Lucy, a child's temperament is one of the biggest things that impacts sleep, and some children are unable to self-regulate or "get themselves into a sleepy state." She is not a fan of letting the child 'cry it out', and instead recommends what she calls the 'stay and support' approach, which is based around providing reassurance. Over time, Lucy says, the child should need less parental intervention as they become more skilled and learn to sleep better.

Lucy's book is not just about newborns, though. She gives advice on children up to the age of six years, and says that it's never too late to improve on sleep.

Listen to the full interview below:

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