
Weekend Breakfast With Alison Curtis

Top Tips For Spring Cleaning Your House

It's that time of the year again when the sun floods through the windows at home and you starting no...

12:30 PM - 1 Apr 2017

Top Tips For Spring Cleaning Y...

Weekend Breakfast With Alison Curtis

Top Tips For Spring Cleaning Your House


12:30 PM - 1 Apr 2017

It's that time of the year again when the sun floods through the windows at home and you starting noticing the specs of dust, the grime on the oven and that spot on the window! 

Well, you're in luck because this morning on Saturday Breakfast, Alison was joined by Sadé Coady from who had her top tips for cleaning the house, without spending a fortune! 

And no, cleaning your mattress with vodka wasn't an April Fool!

Have a listen to Sadé with Alison below! 

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