

Banking Inquiry agrees to shorten final report

The Banking Inquiry has agreed to write up a new draft report - which will be up to two-thirds short...

4:28 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Banking Inquiry agrees to shor...


Banking Inquiry agrees to shorten final report


4:28 PM - 24 Nov 2015

The Banking Inquiry has agreed to write up a new draft report - which will be up to two-thirds shorter than the original.

Members at a private meeting this evening have agreed to draft the new report by Thursday of next week, two days behind the original plans.

But the new report will only between 250 and 300 pages long - compared to the 750 pages that were originally planned.

The original report had to be thrown out after members complained about the drafting process - something that Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty admits should have been sorted sooner:

The original draft report was due to be signed off by members next Tuesday, so that it could then be distributed to 'interested parties' (people who are mentioned in it, or who gave evidence) before Christmas.

Today's revised schedule delays that by only two days - meaning there is still some extra space in the schedule to accommodate delays that might arise.

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