

Banking inquiry's first witness questions point of inquiry

The Oireachtas Banking Inquiry has officially got underway - with its first witness openly questioni...

1:02 PM - 17 Dec 2014

Banking inquiry's first wi...


Banking inquiry's first witness questions point of inquiry


1:02 PM - 17 Dec 2014

The Oireachtas Banking Inquiry has officially got underway - with its first witness openly questioning whether it will uncover any new information.

Peter Nyberg has told the inquiry that not everyone partied during the boom - but that households did play their part in causing the financial crisis.

He also says only the ECB can explain why Ireland wasn't allowed to burn bondholders - while the Taoiseach's been challenged on the ECB's refusal to attend.

The ECB last night wrote to the inquiry saying it was not "appropriate" for it to take part, arguing that it is accountable to the European Parliament but not to national parliaments.

In the Dáil this lunchtime the Taoiseach says he will ask Mario Draghi to reconsider - while the opposition say the ECB is giving "two fingers" to Ireland in its bid to get to the root of the crisis.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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