

Book Of Condolence for Fidel Castro

The President has offered the sympathies of the people of Ireland to Cuba after the death of Fidel C...

7:10 AM - 28 Nov 2016

Book Of Condolence for Fidel C...


Book Of Condolence for Fidel Castro


7:10 AM - 28 Nov 2016

The President has offered the sympathies of the people of Ireland to Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro.

Michael D Higgins signed a book of condolence in the Cuban embassy this morning.


The president has faced criticism for his statement after the death of Castro - which called him 'a giant among global leaders'.

Groups have highlighted Castro's poor human rights record.

Cuban Ambassador Hermes Herrera said he understands why criticism has been leveled at Michael D Higgins.


A second book of condolence for Castro has also opened at Dublin's Mansion House.

We asked these people in the city if they would consider signing it:



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