

Books of condolence opened for Carrickmines tragedy

Prayers are being offered at churches across the country for the five children and five adults who d...

7:58 AM - 11 Oct 2015

Books of condolence opened for...


Books of condolence opened for Carrickmines tragedy


7:58 AM - 11 Oct 2015

Prayers are being offered at churches across the country for the five children and five adults who died in yesterday's tragic fire at Carrickmines in South Dublin.

The dead include two babies - aged just five and six months' old.

All those who perished in the blaze at a halting site on the Glenamuck Road were members of two extended families.

Books of condolence for the bereaved will open across the local community in Carrickmines today.

Gardaí are not treating the fire as suspicious - although it's not known what caused the fire - which broke out at 4:30am yesterday at a prefab at the site.

Fr Derek Farrell, parish priest for the travelling community, said the enormous scale of the tragedy has spread shockwaves from the families of the victims to the whole country:

The tragedy has prompted calls for an urgent review of safety standards at halting sites across the country.

The national budget for Traveller accommodation has been slashed from 70 million euro in 2007 to 4.1 million euro last year.

Severe overcrowding and lack of basic services such as water and electricity have been highlighted as major problems for traveller families.

People Before Profit Councillor Bríd Smith says overcrowding is a major issue:

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