

Calais 'jungle' camp to be dismantled this week

Violence has flared at the notorious 'jungle' refugee camp in Calais as the countdown to its planned...

6:49 AM - 24 Oct 2016

Calais 'jungle' camp t...


Calais 'jungle' camp to be dismantled this week


6:49 AM - 24 Oct 2016

Violence has flared at the notorious 'jungle' refugee camp in Calais as the countdown to its planned demolition enters its final hours.

French riot police fired tear gas to disperse migrants reportedly throwing stones and lighting fires as the sun set on the final night for many living in the sprawling camp.

Over the next 24 hours French authorities will begin the mass evacuation of at least 6,500 refugees, many of them families and unaccompanied children, estimated to be living in the camp.

Once they have been registered, 60 buses are set to transport the first 3,000 migrants to temporary reception centres scattered across France on Monday.

The demolition is due to begin tomorrow and by the end of the week the camp will have been emptied and destroyed.

Those who refuse to leave Calais risk being arrested and deported, charities have warned.  Many don't know where they will be sent and volunteers and officials were still handing out leaflets to migrants, informing them of the clearance plans on Sunday.

Fabienne Buccio is involved in the process of registering migrants as the camp is shut down.  She says progress is being made:

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