

Chief whip criticised after claiming 'snub' by colleague

The government chief whip is facing calls to apologise - after accusing a fellow minister of snubbin...

1:33 PM - 6 Jan 2017

Chief whip criticised after cl...


Chief whip criticised after claiming 'snub' by colleague


1:33 PM - 6 Jan 2017

The government chief whip is facing calls to apologise - after accusing a fellow minister of snubbing her in the corridors of Leinster House.

Regina Doherty said Helen McEntee would ignore her in corridors - despite the two women sharing a party and a constituency.

McEntee says the marks are "utterly inappropriate" and will raise them internally, with the backing of other Fine Gael colleagues.

Party secretary and TD Noel Rock agrees that such issues should not be made public, and is supporting McEntee in any internal effort to seek redress for the comments.

The two ministers, both from the Meath East constituency, were close electoral rivals in 2016 - as was Doherty with McEntee's late father Shane in 2011.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly reports:

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