

Committee To Seek Legal Advice On Whether Paul Murphy Abused Dáil Privilege

The Dáil disciplinary committee is to seek legal advice on whether Solidarity TD Paul Murphy abused...

5:30 PM - 12 Jul 2017

Committee To Seek Legal Advice...


Committee To Seek Legal Advice On Whether Paul Murphy Abused Dáil Privilege


5:30 PM - 12 Jul 2017

The Dáil disciplinary committee is to seek legal advice on whether Solidarity TD Paul Murphy abused parliamentary privilege this afternoon.

It's after the TD made claims in the chamber today about the conduct of Gardaí during the Jobstown trial, in which he was a defendant.

Under Dáil privilege, he renewed his calls for a public inquiry into what he claimed could indicate 'coordinated perjury'

He said Taoiseach Leo Varadkar had to make a decision about the actions of Gardaí in the witness box.

Responding to Mr Murphy's fresh calls for a public inquiry, Leo Varadkar said: "You are not a victim here. You are not a victim of any conspiracy. You had a fair trial and you were acquitted. But that doesn't mean that your behaviour was right.

"It may well be the case that you weren't engaged in kidnapping - but it was thuggery, and your behaviour was wrong."

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