

Court Hears Hendrick Often Insulted By Fans

A court has heard a friend of Ireland footballer Jeff Hendrick told gardaí people often call him ign...

2:34 PM - 6 Jul 2017

Court Hears Hendrick Often Ins...


Court Hears Hendrick Often Insulted By Fans


2:34 PM - 6 Jul 2017

A court has heard a friend of Ireland footballer Jeff Hendrick told gardaí people often call him ignorant "if he doesn’t say hello" because he’s a footballer.

The Republic of Ireland player is accused of violent disorder at Harcourt Street in Dublin three and a half years ago.

Mr Hendrick and his co-accused Jonathon Doran both deny the charge.

A garda told the court he was working on the night of October 11th 2013 when he was called to Montague Street in Dublin.

There, he met a man called Darren McDermott who was covered in blood and had facial injuries.

A few months later, 26-year-old Jonathon Doran of Kilmore Close in Artane, was arrested. He told gardaí he was in Krystle nightclub with Hendrick and a few other men that night .

He said he saw Hendrick arguing with Mr McDermott and he said "lads will you give it a rest."

He described the incident as "nothing."

He said Mr McDermott then went to shake Hendrick’s hand but the footballer pushed it away and a scuffle broke out.

He said he was outside the nightclub a short time later when Mr McDermott ran by him and someone shouted "Johnny get him."

He said he sat on Mr McDermott who said to him "I swear, I didn’t touch him. I didn’t touch your mate Jeff."

Mr Doran denied assaulting Mr McDermott and he said Hendrick wasn’t near the taxi.

He told gardai people often come up to Hendrick and call him "an ignorant prick" if he doesn’t say hello - just because he’s a footballer.

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