

David Drumm will return to Ireland

David Drumm has abandoned his legal challenge against extradition from the United States. The Irish...

6:38 AM - 12 Feb 2016

David Drumm will return to Ire...


David Drumm will return to Ireland


6:38 AM - 12 Feb 2016

David Drumm has abandoned his legal challenge against extradition from the United States.

The Irish Times reports former Anglo Irish Bank chief will return home to Dublin to fight 33 charges relating to transactions carried out while he ran the bank during the 2008 financial crisis.

His lawyers told a Boston court that he agreed to be extradited to Ireland - ending his four month challenge against removal from the US.

It is understood it may take several weeks to arrange his return to Ireland and co-ordinate his handover with the Irish authorities.

Irish Times Washington correspondent Simon Carswell was in court in Boston - he says Drumm will be home in a few weeks time:

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