

Deliberations continue in fraud trial

Two former Anglo Irish Bank executives are due back in court this morning after being convicted of c...

6:16 AM - 3 Jun 2016

Deliberations continue in frau...


Deliberations continue in fraud trial


6:16 AM - 3 Jun 2016

Two former Anglo Irish Bank executives are due back in court this morning after being convicted of conspiring to defraud earlier this week.

Meanwhile, the jurors will resume their deliberations in relation to two former Irish Life & Permanent executives charged with the same offence.

The financial markets were in turmoil in 2008 and Anglo Irish Bank was struggling to secure funding.

Between March and September 2008, its then finance director Willie McAteer and head of capital markets John Bowe engaged in a dishonest scheme which ultimately misled investors and depositors about the strength of its corporate deposits.

They were convicted on Wednesday and remanded on continuing bail until today when a sentence hearing date is likely to be set.

Denis Casey and Peter Fitzpatrick – former Irish Life & Permanent executives – authorised €7.2bn in so-called back-to-back transactions with Anglo but say they expected them to account for them properly.

The jury is approaching its 45th hour of deliberations and will return to Dublin Circuit Criminal Court at 10 oÂ’clock.

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