

Detective Sergeant To Be Sentenced In January For Harassing State Solicitor

A Dublin-based Detective Sergeant will be brought into custody next week after she was convicted of...

1:53 PM - 27 Oct 2017

Detective Sergeant To Be Sente...


Detective Sergeant To Be Sentenced In January For Harassing State Solicitor


1:53 PM - 27 Oct 2017

A Dublin-based Detective Sergeant will be brought into custody next week after she was convicted of harassing a State solicitor. 

50-year-old Eve Doherty was found guilty earlier this year of sending Elizabeth Howlin abusive e-mails and letters.

During this trial the court heard between 2011 and 2013, abusive letters and e-mails were sent to Elizabeth Howlin's home, work and to her GP.

Some of these referred to her as a "corrupt bitch" and an "incompetent useless hobbit".

Posters had also been left around her housing estate - falsely claiming that her job as a state solicitor had been a political appointee.

The court heard Eve Doherty, a Dublin-based detective sergeant, was in a relationship with the victim's ex-husband at the time.

She'd been suspended from her job on the day of her arrest.

Her barrister told the judge she'd since been diagnosed with depression with significant anxiety and paranoia.

He said this goes someway to analysing the conduct of her behaviour and to understanding it.

The judge said a custodial sentence would be inevitable as Doherty had failed to plead guilty or show any remorse.

Doherty will be brought into custody next week and her sentence will be finalised in January.

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