

Evicted Travellers to address Oireachtas

Members of the travelling community evicted from a halting site in Dundalk will be given a chance to...

6:38 AM - 27 Jan 2016

Evicted Travellers to address...


Evicted Travellers to address Oireachtas


6:38 AM - 27 Jan 2016

Members of the travelling community evicted from a halting site in Dundalk will be given a chance to speak in the Oireachtas today.

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has invited the former residents of Woodlawn Park into Leinster House, amid claims that many of them are camped out in a carpark in the town.

The controversy arose after Louth County Council ordered 23 families to leave the unofficial halting site over health and safety fears.

However the travellers say they've been left homeless as the accommodation they've been offered is unsuitable.

Gerry Adams says the County Council would have dealt with members of the settled community differently:

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