

Facebook's 'Ad Transparency' Scheme To Be Rolled Out In Ireland

Irish Facebook users will be able to find out from next week when an organisation is running multipl...

6:28 PM - 17 Apr 2018

Facebook's 'Ad Transpa...


Facebook's 'Ad Transparency' Scheme To Be Rolled Out In Ireland


6:28 PM - 17 Apr 2018

Irish Facebook users will be able to find out from next week when an organisation is running multiple ads on the site at the time.

A pilot scheme is being rolled out to combat concerns about advertising being targeted at groups of people during referendum and election campaigns.

It means the feature will be available here a month before the Eighth Amendment referendum - but will apply to all ads, not just political ones.

At an Oireachtas committee today, Facebook reps also also apologised for the Cambridge Analytica data harvesting scandal, which the company says may have affected 87 million people - including around 45,000 here.

The social media company has already announced a number of changes to protect user data.

Facebook Ireland's Niamh Sweeney explained how the "View Ads" scheme works.

She observed: "If you're served an ad, or you go to a page, you'll be able to click on it and see all of the ads that that particular advertiser is running at that moment, in your jurisdiction.

"What that is supposed to address is this issue of micro-targeting or so-called 'dark ads' - [where] I'm being targeted because I'm a woman in my 30s who's from an urban earlier, somebody else is being targeted because they're a male in their 60s and they're from a rural area... and you're trying to target them with different messaging."

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