

FF denies attack ad is "negative campaigning"

Fianna Fail has unveiled its first ad of the election campaign - featuring Fine Gael's logo and the...

1:16 PM - 13 Jan 2016

FF denies attack ad is "ne...


FF denies attack ad is "negative campaigning"


1:16 PM - 13 Jan 2016

Fianna Fail has unveiled its first ad of the election campaign - featuring Fine Gael's logo and the face of Enda Kenny.

The billboard ad is a remake of Fine Gael's 2007 advert in which Enda Kenny promised "to end the scandal of patients on trolleys".

Fianna Fáil's updated version claims the promise has been abandoned in favour of tax cuts for the wealthy.

But party leader Micheal Martin's been forced to deny that the billboard marks the start of negative campaigning in Ireland - and insists the ad is "positive" as it focusses on the government's record on a key issue.

Sinn Féin, which has so far only run billboards with its own candidates' faces and an election slogan, says it agrees with the points raised in Fianna Fáil's ad - but won't be following suit with similar ones of its own.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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