

Former Panamian President lands in Shannon

It's reported that the private plane of former president of Panama touched down in Shannon Airport t...

9:51 PM - 31 Jan 2015

Former Panamian President land...


Former Panamian President lands in Shannon


9:51 PM - 31 Jan 2015

It's reported that the private plane of former president of Panama touched down in Shannon Airport this morning.

Ricardo Martinelli, whose term as president finished last July, is facing charges of corruption.

Panamian newspaper La Prensa is reporting that his private plane landed in Shannon from Canada shortly before half three this morning, but left later heading for London.

The aircraft had made several stops after leaving Guatemala city on Thursday, where Martinelli had attended a meeting of the Central American Parliament.

It's understood Ireland has no extradition agreement with Panama.

Martinelli left Panama the day the Supreme Court there launched an investigation into alleged corruption into the awarding of public contracts.

A former government official accused Mr Martinelli of pressuring him to sign "anomalous" contracts worth $45m.

Mr Martinelli's spokesperson announced that the former president, who claims he is the victim of political persecution, would undertake an international tour.

The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs is investigating.

Mr Martinelli 's successor in office, Juan Carlos Varela, campaigned on a ticket to clean up Panamanian politics.

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