

Gardai Defer Remaining November Strike Days

The three remaining strikes days by members of the Garda Representative Association this month have...

5:41 PM - 7 Nov 2016

Gardai Defer Remaining Novembe...


Gardai Defer Remaining November Strike Days


5:41 PM - 7 Nov 2016

The three remaining strikes days by members of the Garda Representative Association this month have been deferred.

It follows a meeting of the GRA's central executive committee today.

It's understood the move comes pending the outcome of a ballot of GRA members on recommendations made by the Labour Court last week.

A strike planned for last Friday was suspended following new Labour Court recommendations in relation to garda pay.

It's understood GRA members will be balloted from the 14th of this month and completed by the 28th.

The matter of a motion of no confidence in the General Secretary will be revisited on Wednesday.

GRA Vice President is Jim Mulligan:


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