

Gardai Release Statement On Breath Test Controversy

An Garda Síochána have released a statement addressing the breath test controversy. They're urging a...

8:11 PM - 17 Sep 2017

Gardai Release Statement On Br...


Gardai Release Statement On Breath Test Controversy


8:11 PM - 17 Sep 2017

An Garda Síochána have released a statement addressing the breath test controversy.

They're urging anyone - members and civilians - with information relating to the recent scandal to come forward.

It was recently revealed nearly one and a half million falsified breath tests were recorded on the Garda pulse system.

 Assistant Commissioner O'Sullivan and the Policing Authority who are conducting their own examination into the breath-test issue. This follows comments by some Garda personnel to the media in recent days on such issues.

Earlier this week, the Garda Representative Association claimed none of their members falsified roadside breath tests, but were told to elevate figures by senior officers.

The statement also says the Gardai wish to thoroughly address the recent breath test controversy to ensure it never happens again.




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