

Gardai search second site in Elaine O'Hara death

It's expected a murder inquiry will be launched today by officers investigating the discovery of the...

7:56 AM - 18 Sep 2013

Gardai search second site in E...


Gardai search second site in Elaine O'Hara death


7:56 AM - 18 Sep 2013

It's expected a murder inquiry will be launched today by officers investigating the discovery of the remains of Elaine O'Hara.

Searches are contuinuing this morning at a second scene at a resevoir in Roundwood Co Wicklow where items belonging to Ms O'Hara were found in a bag.

The remains of the 36 year old were discovered in a forest on Kilakee Mountain last Friday by a woman out walking her dog.

Gardai have yet to establish how she died but they say they are treating her death as suspicious.

Michael O'Toole is Crime Correspondant with the Irish Daily Star:

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