

Kenny admits health service will need extra money

The Taoiseach has admitted that the health service will need a financial bailout before the end of t...

10:03 AM - 25 Jun 2014

Kenny admits health service wi...


Kenny admits health service will need extra money


10:03 AM - 25 Jun 2014

The Taoiseach has admitted that the health service will need a financial bailout before the end of the year.

Enda Kenny's admission comes after it emerged that the H-S-E had overspent by €158 million in the first five months of the year.

However the Taoiseach's standing over the original Budget for the health service - and says he still has confidence in the health minister James Reilly.

Mr Kenny was questioned by Fianna Fáil leader, Micheál Martin: 

The health service has already needed a supplementary budget for 14 of the last 16 years - but the financial impact of needing a further bailout has become exacerbated since Ireland fell under EU rules to limit its budget deficit in the wake of the financial crisis.

Earlier, health minister James Reilly told the Dail that Fianna Fail are to blame for the current funding problems:

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for our lunchtime news:

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