

Irish kids eat 16kg of treats a year

Irish children eat 16 kilos of treats a year - and Safefood is urging parents to say NO to cut down...

12:34 PM - 22 Sep 2014

Irish kids eat 16kg of treats...


Irish kids eat 16kg of treats a year


12:34 PM - 22 Sep 2014

Irish children eat 16 kilos of treats a year - and Safefood is urging parents to say NO to cut down on sweets, biscuits and crisps.

On average, a child eats 140 chocolate bars, 105 tubes of sweets, 36 packets of biscuits and 118 packets of crisps - and that doesn't include ice-cream, cakes and desserts.

As part of its campaign to tackle childbood obesity, Safefood wants to remind parents that these foods, which typically make up one fifth of a child's daily calorie intake, have little or no nutritional value.

But it's warning parents against banning treats altogether, as it only makes them more appealing.

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