

It's Official - Ireland says Yes

Ireland's become the first country in the world to approve gay marriage in a popular vote. Just ove...

8:15 PM - 23 May 2015

It's Official - Ireland sa...


It's Official - Ireland says Yes


8:15 PM - 23 May 2015

Ireland's become the first country in the world to approve gay marriage in a popular vote.

Just over 62% supported changing the constitution - with more than 1.2 million people turning out in support of marriage equality.

The turnout percentage at 60.5% was one of the highest ever for a referendum - and the number of votes cast - 1.95 million - is an electoral record.

Just before 7pm returning officer Ríona Ní Flanghaile made the official declaration:

Just one constituency in the country voted No - Roscommon South Leitrim. 

The highest yes vote was in Dublin South East with 74.91% - the narrowest victory came in Donegal South West at 50.05% where just 33 votes extra were cast in favour.

Campaigners took to the streets of Dublin to celebrate:

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 These 'YES' campaigners in Dublin are overjoyed at the result:

Reacting tonight Taoiseach Enda Kenny said it was a historic day:

 Tanaiste Joan Burton says it's been an uplifting campaign to create a "Rainbow Nation":

Tonight the celebrations are ongoing in Dublin and around the country, but the first same sex marriages are some months off - the Health Minister Leo Varadkar's promised the legislation necessary will be passed by July allowing for marriages by the autumn. 

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