

Kenny: 'My duty' to discuss government with Fianna Fail

The Taoiseach says he has a duty to ensure Ireland gets a stable government - and that includes talk...

1:03 PM - 2 Mar 2016

Kenny: 'My duty' to di...


Kenny: 'My duty' to discuss government with Fianna Fail


1:03 PM - 2 Mar 2016

The Taoiseach says he has a duty to ensure Ireland gets a stable government - and that includes talking to Fianna Fáil.

But Enda Kenny would not be drawn on whether he would form a coalition with them, or depend on their support from outside.

The Taoiseach says his proposal to return the Fine Gael and Labour coalition has been clearly rejected.

And as a result he says he now has a duty to speak to people who he had previously ruled out working with.

He specifically included Fianna Fail as among those with whom he was prepared to speak.

The comments, which you can hear in full here, are a major back-track from his pre-election refusal to countenance any coalition or arrangement with Fianna Fáíl.

However he went on to stress that no discussions, with Fianna Fáil or anyone else, had yet begun.

He also stressed that the retention of a single national water utility was a key priority for Fine Gael - and said it would be a "historic" mistake for one to be abolished.

He also said it was a key policy tenet for Fine Gael that water charges be maintained, at an affordable rate.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for Today FM's National Lunchtime News:

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