

Listen: Pokemon Go - yes or no?

Pokemon Go has fast become one of the most popular games in the world - already passing out Tinder -...

1:22 PM - 11 Jul 2016

Listen: Pokemon Go - yes or no...


Listen: Pokemon Go - yes or no?


1:22 PM - 11 Jul 2016

Pokemon Go has fast become one of the most popular games in the world - already passing out Tinder - and catching up on Twitter.

But health warnings have been issued after people were injured crashing into things - because they were glued to their smartphones.

Police have also warned users after armed robbers used the game to steal from people, and another user found a dead body in a river, while out looking for Pokemon.

Self confessed Pokemon addict, 20 year old Fionualla Jones, loves the game and says it's hard to be careful when you're engrossed in the game.

She even found a Pokemon beside her flatmate!

Helen Vaughan reports.

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