

Merkel appears to rule out Irish 'special case' in Brexit

The German chancellor appears to have ruled out making a special case for Ireland, in the negotiatio...

5:49 PM - 12 Jul 2016

Merkel appears to rule out Iri...


Merkel appears to rule out Irish 'special case' in Brexit


5:49 PM - 12 Jul 2016

The German chancellor appears to have ruled out making a special case for Ireland, in the negotiations on a Brexit.

Angela Merkel says Ireland's voice will be heard in the talks - but so will the voices of the other 26 continuing member states.

She was speaking after a bilateral meeting with Enda Kenny - and acknowledged the importance of the Single Travel Area between Ireland and the UK.

But speaking through an interpreter she seemed to rule out giving any special weight to Ireland's concerns about a border:

Enda Kenny meanwhile said he wants Britain's incoming Prime Minister Theresa May not to wait too long before outlining her proposals for what sort of deal the UK would like.

The chancellor also dodged questions about whether Ireland would be disproportionately affected by the UK's Brexit - saying all EU countries had to work together to minimise the damage.

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