

No estimate for cost of fixing Seanad

It's emerged that there is no estimate for much it might cost to renovate the Seanad chamber. Author...

11:34 AM - 16 Dec 2016

No estimate for cost of fixing...


No estimate for cost of fixing Seanad


11:34 AM - 16 Dec 2016

It's emerged that there is no estimate for much it might cost to renovate the Seanad chamber.

Authorities in Leinster House and the OPW can't put a figure on the works until they begin, and the condition of the building emerges.

This morning it emerged that authorities are unwilling to put a public estimate on the costs, in case it influences the prices eventually submitted by bidders who want to carry out the work.

An indicative price of €8 million was stated in the original tender advertisement.

The Seanad will move next-door to the National Museum of Ireland for around 18 months while the renovation work begins.

The existing chamber has to be emptied and rebuilt due to construction works in the main Georgian part of Leinster House, which is around 270 years old.

A series of other structural works are already taking place within the complex.

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