

Nurses vote in favour of strike action

Nurses have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action - due to emergency department overcrowdi...

2:48 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Nurses vote in favour of strik...


Nurses vote in favour of strike action


2:48 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Nurses have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action - due to emergency department overcrowding.

The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation will notify the HSE and all relevant hospitals in the coming days.

The campaign of industrial action will start on Tuesday the 15th of December, and will involve a number of Emergency Departments on a rolling basis.

The INMO says further days of strike action involving remaining ED's will take place in the New Year.

General Secretary of the INMO Liam Doran believes the public will support the nurses;

This afternoon Enda Kenny has urged the INMO to attend new talks with the HSE to resolve their dispute.

He told the Dail that the strike would not make conditions better for patients:

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