

Only A Fifth Of People Diagnosed With Late Stage Lung Cancer Will Survive

Only a fifth of people diagnosed with late stage lung cancer will survive compared to half who are d...

1:06 PM - 6 Dec 2017

Only A Fifth Of People Diagnos...


Only A Fifth Of People Diagnosed With Late Stage Lung Cancer Will Survive


1:06 PM - 6 Dec 2017

Only a fifth of people diagnosed with late stage lung cancer will survive compared to half who are diagnosed early.

New research from the Irish Cancer Society shows that a quarter, or 600, cases are diagnosed at emergency departments every year and 62 per cent of these are at a late stage.

It's encouraging people to get checked as early as possible if they experience any symptoms.

Nicole Gernon reports:

Only A Fifth Of People Diagnosed With Late Stage Lung Cancer Will Survive

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The figures also show 15 per cent of all cancers are diagnosed in emergency departments.

The Irish Cancer Society is warning that catching it late is problematic as it's likely to have spread which means surgery is not an option and the prognosis is not as good.


Many people don't recognise the symptoms of lung cancer as they include a persistent cough, breathlessness and weight loss but the Irish Cancer Society is advising anyone with persistent symptoms or anything unusual which lasts longer than three weeks to get checked.

The Government wants to halve the number of people being diagnosed in emergency departments over the next 10 years by increasing awareness about the importance of early diagnosis.

However experts are warning that for this to happen people need to feel confident going to their doctor and not feel like they're bothering them and that doctors need to feel able to refer people on even if they have minor concerns.

Anyone who has any worries should contact their GP or call the Irish Cancer Society's Nurseline.

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