

Plane Made An Emergency Landing After Smoke Was Detected In The Cabin

It has emerged that an oil bleed caused a serious incident on a Flybe flight from Knock airport in J...

3:41 PM - 20 Jun 2016

Plane Made An Emergency Landin...


Plane Made An Emergency Landing After Smoke Was Detected In The Cabin


3:41 PM - 20 Jun 2016

It has emerged that an oil bleed caused a serious incident on a Flybe flight from Knock airport in July of last year.

Air accident investigators have established the plane was climbing when the Crew were alerted by a strange odour after a smoke alarm went off in one of the toilets.

Smoke then became visible in both the cabin and flight deck, and the Crew were forced to put on their oxygen masks.

The flight diverted to Dublin Airport and no on was injured.

The Bombardier aircraft which had 74 passengers and 4 crew on board and was flying from Knock to Manchester

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