

Death toll in Shoreham could rise to 20

Police in England say the death toll from the Shoreham Airshow crash could rise to 20. The jet crash...

5:57 AM - 24 Aug 2015

Death toll in Shoreham could r...


Death toll in Shoreham could rise to 20


5:57 AM - 24 Aug 2015

Police in England say the death toll from the Shoreham Airshow crash could rise to 20.

The jet crashed into cars on the A27 near the event on Saturday causing a huge explosion.

The accident has led to calls for air displays to be banned over land.

The wreckage of the plane is expected to be removed from the scene later today.

Assistant Chief Constable with the Sussex Police, Steve Barry, says their main focus is keeping the families involved up to date:

He says his officers are hoping to talk to the plane's pilot, who's critically ill in hospital.

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