

Protestor organisers welcome Russell Brand's call on water demo

The Minister for the Environment has played down the extent of the public backlash against water cha...

1:11 PM - 9 Dec 2014

Protestor organisers welcome R...


Protestor organisers welcome Russell Brand's call on water demo


1:11 PM - 9 Dec 2014

The Minister for the Environment has played down the extent of the public backlash against water charges.

Alan Kelly's comments come ahead of a major demonstration planned for tomorrow, where tens of thousands of people are expected to demand the abolition of all water charges.

Speaking before this morning's cabinet meeting, the minister said he now believed the majority of people accepted the extent of the proposed charges, following last month's announcements on a revised scheme.

However there is some anxiety within the government about how TDs could be influenced by the demonstration - with the Dáil sitting until midnight tonight to hold some votes on the Water Services Bill, thereby avoiding the need for any further debates on water to take place tomorrow.

Meanwhile organisers of the demonstration have welcomed calls from comedian Russell Brand, for workers to take the day off to join the protest.

The TV comedian and entertainer says Irish people should fear the prospect of the water network being privatised, and has even broached the idea of attending the demonstration himself.

Our political correspondent Gavan Reilly filed this report for the National Lunchtime News:

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