

Renters in Dublin pay twice as much

Renters in the capital are paying nearly twice as much as those outside Dublin. The Private Resident...

1:08 PM - 20 Mar 2014

Renters in Dublin pay twice as...


Renters in Dublin pay twice as much


1:08 PM - 20 Mar 2014

Renters in the capital are paying nearly twice as much as those outside Dublin.

The Private Residential Tenancies Board has published its latest rent index - carried out by the ESRI, which shows Dublin rents rising to levels not seen since 2009.

In the last quarter of 2013 - rents rose again in Dublin; by 2.1 percent, while rents outside Dublin fell by 0.9 percent.

But when you look at the yearly growth, Dublin rents grew by 7.6 percent on average - and apartment prices rose by over ten percent in 2013.

At the end of last year, renters in Dublin were paying an average of 1,070 euro a month, compared to 630 euro a month outside the capital.

The prices rises are being blamed on a shortage of rental properties, as well as mortgage issues for first time buyers.

Stephen Large from the housing charity Threshold says it's causing people on rent supplement to lose their homes;

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